Thursday, January 26, 2017

Phoenix Day 2

     Phoenix, day 2. 
     Poor Phoenix is still scratching so much. He spent the morning avoiding any and all attempts to medicate him.  So, it was back to the veterinary office. He received a couple of injections, and more importantly, something to ease his anxiety. 

What do you think of this cute zebra onesie? It velcro closes on the tummy. He wore this for several hours, but was able to slip himself out of it when I was not looking. His anxiety medication was definitely working in this photo!

Phoenix the white schnauzer

     This little dude plays as hard as he sleeps. I am very glad that he is getting such good rest. He has had a very eventful (not in a fun way) past few days.

Phoenix the white schnauzer

Phoenix, the White Schnauzer

     Hey, everyone! Meet Phoenix, the white schnauzer. Phoenix was turned in as stray to our local animal shelter. He is a three month old white with tan schnauzer mix puppy.

     Phoenix has had a rough time since being turned in. He came in with a very raw, very irritated sore on his throat and he could not stop scratching it. In the shelter, no one could hold him or pet him. We could not walk him on a leash because of the neck sore, and because of his sheer panic whenever anyone touched him. He spent most of his time growling at people and, if he was handled, lashing out at everyone.

Phoenix the White Schnauzer puppy

The sore on his neck is nasty and raw, and is increasing in size.

Phoenix the White Schnauzer puppy

Here is a demonstration of how badly this little one is tortured by his compulsion to scratch. Those are my rescued cats in the background, Bandit and Francesca, trying their best to not have to offer moral support.

Keep checking back to see the progress of this little one!